Do I need an account to shop at Carpi Moto ?
You don't need an account to shop at Carpi Moto.
Create an account and you will have an all access pass to online tracking, order history, special offers, manage addresses and much more..
Not registered users will receive, just after the order is completed, an order receipt e-mail, and once has left our warehouse, another e-mail notifying that your order has been shipped, along with the package tracking information.
Do you ship to my country ?
YES! Carpi Moto orders are delivered WORLDWIDE through express couriers.
We use DHL ground and air services.
More information in Worldwide deliveries
How Much does Shipping Cost ?
As long as delivery rates depends which part and where we ship the easiest way is to add products to the basket and check inside it.
Calculator icon, what's that ?
If basket displays a calculator, this is an order that we can not handle automatic. No problem! Please check out and we will send you as soon as possible an email with detailed delivery rates and payment methods.
When will you ship my order ?
Every order placed until 18:00 CET, containing in stock products, is usually shipped the next day.
If your order contains not in stock items, we will ship as soon as every order item will be available.
Trace your order using using "My Orders" section in your "MyCarpiMoto".
How do I pay for my order ?
Carpi Moto accepts several modes and methods of payment as listed below. No matter the method, we guarantee that every transaction you make at Carpi Moto will be 100% secure.
Can you display prices in my currency ?
Our prices are in EURO, the European Currency.
use google to convert prices in your currency
Will you charge taxes on my bill ?
No! Our web site already shows prices tax excluded or included depending in which country you are or which country you choose as final destination.
More information in Taxes - Currency.
Do you issue a receipt or an invoice ?
Yes! every order we ship outside Italy is billed, receipt (for EU countries) or invoice (for outside EU countries) is sent by email the day we ship.
How can I find parts I'm looking for ?
You can find them:
- by search bar , just add keywords
- by Compatibility Tool , in every product page just fill your motorcycle brand / model, check compatibility and receive useful links to look for similar parts
- by categories tree, in home page click on a category, then choose the subcategory, you'll see all the products in alphabetical order, we recommend filtering by manufacturer and by brand / model.
- by bike, select bike manufacturer and bike model >>> only specific parts for your bike will be displayed (for ex brake pads). .
- by brand, select manufacturer's brand >>> only selected brand parts will be displayed, you can refine this search browsing by bike or/and with a keyword..
- combined research with'll get more results
- Why can't I find any product? ... you have done something wrong, click on the big carpimoto icon and start a new search.
How can I place an order ?
On Carpi Moto placing an order is easy.
Our Checkout is 3 steps long only :
- Basket : browse the site and add products to basket, choose the method of delivery and payment and then click "Checkout".
- Checkout : the page where enter your name, your email (check it well), the main phone (preferably mobile phone), the route and any locality, province, city (municipality) and the post code.
- Review and Confirm : on this page, check your billing and delivery, the quantity of products, mode of delivery and payment, and the total order.
Is my order confirmed ?
If you are not a registered user, you will receive, just after the order is completed, an order receipt e-mail, and once has left our warehouse, another e-mail notifying that your order has been shipped, along with the package tracking information. This is the confirm.
If you are a registered user, you will receive just after the order is completed, an order receipt e-mail, you will be able to check the confirm and track your order inside your "MyCarpiMoto , and once has left our warehouse, another e-mail notifying that your order has been shipped, along with the package tracking information.
Can I create a Wish List ?
Do you want a to create a Wish List (a quotation) ? Just add products you like to the basket, it is the fastest way to create a wish list, will become an order only if confirmed.
Do you provide a guarantee ?
YES! Every Product sold by Carpi Moto is covered by One Year Limited Manufacturer's Conventional Guarantee, according to the italian law DL 24/02, Final Consumers will benefit of Two Years Limited Conformity Guarantee. Customer will access guarantee services keeping order receipt or shipping invoice.
More information in Guarantee
Are Carpi Moto products street legal ?
No, Except products whose description or detail form mentions the words "homologated" or "street legal", products that we sell are not street legal, they are not for highway use but only for exibition in private places. The Homologation Approval is limited to the countries belonging to the European Union or to the countries included in the type approval documents.
Model Year ?
The Model Year (sometimes abbreviated MY) is a method of identify the year version of a motorcycle or car. The model year may or may not be the same as the calendar year in which the motorcycle was manufactured or and of the licence plate, for example usually BMW model year starts from July of the year before (ie 2021 model year production starts in July 2020).